
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

{ no slip dress up shoes }

My poor daughter is in love with dress up shoes. Unfortunately, we can never find them with no-slip soles. After a number of twisted  ankles and a few accidental splits, I've found a solution to the slippery problem.
All you need is:
  1.  your daughter's slippery pair of heels  
  2.  hot glue gun
  3. scissors
  4. a piece of cupboard lining ( that sponge type stuff that prevents items from slipping around)
Start by cutting out pieces of the lining to fit the bottom areas of the shoe.
Now just put a small amount of hot glue around the edges of the sole.
Now simply place the lining on the sole of the shoe and you're done!
So simple! And now I can be less worried that my princess will fall and break something!

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