
Monday, May 2, 2011

{ daddy made breakfast }

My husband surprises me sometimes!  I was cleaning house and it left him available to get breakfast for the kids! I ended up putting cleaning aside and spending this fun time with the family! I'm sure you remember making these little things in school but it was such a fun activity for the kids at home and my husband got major cool points with the kids!

What you'll need:
  • Fruit Loops
  • String
  • Tape
Simply tie a fruit loop to the end of your string leaving a 2 inch tail. Make sure your string is long enough to fit over the child's head!

Then wrap a piece of tape around the other end of your string so you can thread it through the cereal easily.

Thread your Fruit Loops on until you have about 2 inches left of string.

Now tie the two ends together! Use a square knot so you don't have to worry about the knot coming out and loosing all the cereal to the floor like our first one did! Remember: right over left then left over right! I had to teach Jake this little square knot trick after the baby yanked his right apart! And we have the " I cook, you clean" rule at our house..... so I got to clean up the mess! :)

Yummy! :)

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