
Saturday, October 22, 2011

{ pumpkins in a jar } Halloween

I found this jar at Goodwill for a dollar and
had to find something to put in it. Mini pumpkins were
a perfect fit!

What you'll need:

  1. Glass jar with a latch lid
  2. Mini pumpkins
  3. Spray paint
I removed the latch from the jar because it's
blue and doesn't match anything. It's pretty
simple to remove. Just squeeze and it loosens
everything up!

I spray painted it black.

Then I put it back onto the jar.

Now for the pumpkins. Make sure when
you buy them that they are the smallest ones. You
want to be sure they'll fit in the jar.
My husband put mine in cause i just grabbed
pumpkins with no purpose and they
fit pretty snug.

He said it was easiest to turn on their side
to push them through.

Make sure you break the stem off, too, so they'll
sit on top of each other nicely.

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