Tuesday, September 18, 2012

{ mr. & mrs. } banner

Another wedding banner!
No wedding should be without something that says
Mr. & Mrs.
What you'll need:
* burlap
* scissors
* sewing machine and thread
* jute
* ribbon
* embellishments
I cut out a 5 inch wide pattern for my flags from some
cardboard. And then cut out 6 flags.

I took the flags to my local T-shirt shop and
had them add the lettering to each flag
individually in the font and size of my choice.
I requested 3 inch lettering.
When I got my completed pieces home, I
simply sewed a running strand of jute across
the top edge of my burlap flags.
I left a small
space on either side of the "&"
for embellishments.
Hot glue satin flowers in the spaces.
Tie ribbon to either end of the banner.

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