Friday, January 27, 2012

{ Gradybug 3rd Birthday giveaway} and Kandislei Co. Coupon

Good morning! I want to start by welcoming any new fans sent over
from Gradybug Designs! I wish you all luck on their 3rd
Birthday giveaway!
And for those of you who don't know, Gradybug Designs is having
a big birthday giveaway! There are two prize packages to be won! Both
are filled with cute photography stuff, like backdrops, props and even
Photoshop actions! 
Kandislei Co. (my Etsy shop) is participating in the giveaway as well! One
of the lucky winners will be getting both of these crochet chullo owl hats
in there prize package!

So go on over to Gradybug Designs and enter to win! It's super easy
to enter! Just "like" all the vendors! And then you can do 3 additional enteries as 
well! Good Luck! 

And since I really love my fans and followers, I am putting on a sale in my
Etsy shop for the remainder of the giveaway! Bonus!

Just enter the coupon code above at time of purchase!

So go ahead and take advantage of all of these
deals from Gradybug designs,  Kandislei Co. and all the
other great vendors!

Enjoy and Good Luck!

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